It's time! Well, almost. This is an extremely exciting day for incoming college students. You're probably overwhelmed and excited all at the same time and that's completely normal. However, if you still can't shake the funk, here are a few tips to make moving in and saying goodbye a breeze.

1. Pack for the season
You don't need to pack up every piece of clothing that you own and haul it off to college with you. Just pack enough for what you'll need until you make it back home and swap out. Makes packing a lot lighter.
2. See what you can buy when you make it to your college town
Instead of buying and packing all of your decor and trinkets up before you make it to campus, find your nearest Walmart or convenient store and shop there. You won't risk the chance of leaving anything and you familiarize yourself with your new home.
3. Move in the day after move in day
Yes, you'll have extra hands on deck the first day with the organizations and welcome committee helping out, but so will the 800+ other students on campus. The congestion and ruckus of the day gets tiring. The day after, you'll have better access to elevators, room to put things, less of a hassle and a way more peaceful experience. (Trust me, you won't miss out on the "first day" festivities... they last all week, remember?)
4. Make sure you've communicated wit your roomate(s)
Hit your roomie up at least two to three weeks in advance about who's bringing what and who's arriving at what time. It keeps you from buying double and allows each of you to move in at your own pace without getting in the way of the other.
5. If possible, see about a virtual viewing of your room
Most universities allow the students to have access to a room blueprint and a virtual tour of your dorm hall. This will help prep you for rearranging if necessary and a quicker move in process because you'll already know exactly how things will go before you get there.
6. Make the process as easy as you can on your parents
I know, they may be frustrating and paranoid and extremely opinionated during your move in day, but let them. They're are just processing you leaving in the healthiest way possible. They will miss you and want to make sure they are leaving you in the best of care. Thank them and send them off with love.
7. Pack neatly!
An organized packing results in organized unpacking. Have everything sorted so that once you decide to unload, it isn't a dreadful process. Remember, you wanna get to the fun as quick as possible so don't waste time trying to find your box of underwear!
Favor, Peace & Blessings
Jermesha Striblet